If you own a pellet mill, whether a large scale pellet producer equipment or a small scale pellet producer, at some point, you may want to replace the old dies with new ones, where as there are many companies that can supply you with the same, there is a reason why you need to make your purchase from Jacobs, a company which has been in operation since 1934 and since this time they have maintained their innovative art in manufacturing as well as competitive prices while at the same time quality products will be shipped your way.
So, why do you need to purchase Jacobs pellet mill dies? The model of your mill defines the die specifics, Jacobs Company has taken the initiative to make sure that you purchase the right fitting to your model and thus why the die spec form is always available for you to fill. To make sure that the die supplied by Jacobs is of the right diameter or size, you will be required to provide details about the design of your pellet mill, the model of the mill, its horse power, the die material in question as well as the product the pellet machine pellets. Jacobs pellet mill dies are custom defined to ensure you purchase the right fit for your pellet mill machine which is the most important thing in repairs.
Why you need to purchase Jacobs pellet mill dies
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